Monday, August 8, 2016

What Are We?

This is the dreaded question every philandering male fears...but not just them--me!

Yes, me.

I'll explain.

I've been gone for almost six months from my blog. Six. Months.
That's half of a year and is unacceptable, at best.

To say I've been busy would just be a lie and I don't lie. I just haven't *felt* like blogging because my mind is so wrapped around my current project--but more on that later.

I haven't had much to say, so I bet that leaves you, my readers, with the question: "what are we?"

Are we still friends? Are we still considered your fans? Are you even still considering yourself a writer?

Yes to all of the above!

We are friends, I love every single one of you that takes time to read my posts and I'm grateful for your enthusiasm when it comes to my writing. I still consider myself a writer because...that's the way God made me.

As this post is mostly an update of what I'm doing, here is what's been on my plate as of late.

1.) I am *heavily* editing the first book of the Cielo series, Chasing Darkness. It's going slowly because I hate editing, but I think I'm almost ready to hand it off to an editor for professional services.

2.) I am *trying* to keep up with my Wattpad profile and working on some side stories there. It's hard to keep focused on these projects with my main WIP being edited, but I'm making it my mission to give both works appropriate attention.

3.) I am planning my life.
That simply means, I am giving myself a timeline to complete certain things and not accepting failure with missing deadlines. That being said: I have vowed to myself that I would finish book one of the Cielo series and have the second edited at least once before November. For any NaNo writer, we know what November means and yes, I am going to be participating for another year. Keeping that in mind, I plan to also have the outline for book three of the Cielo series outlined. I have given myself August, September, and October to finish these tasks. It's a little weighty, especially considering how long this first book is taking to edit, but I just have to push myself.

After November, I plan to put my focus back on Chasing Darkness and getting it championed by an agent *eek!!!* My goal for 2017 is to have an agent and book deal in the works.

With all these new goals in mind I have to stay focused, goal-oriented, and committed. I hope not to disappoint myself or any fans.

Until later!

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