Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Here Come the Mummies

So...this post isn't too much about my writing journey but, instead, is about my favorite band.

What's funny is that, I did not want ANYTHING to do with HCTM when I was first introduced to them. I hated the name of the band, so I concluded that the band would suck.


My first show was at the 4H Fair in South Bend, IN--which I was dragged to. I mean, I wanted to go to the fair--there was food there, duh! I wanted a funnel cake and all the cutesy fair food, but couldn't care less about the concert.

Well...that certainly changed, and quickly.

The boys have a special way of entering each concert--they march with their instruments through the crowd. At that moment, I fell in love. I'd never seen anything like it in my life, not to mention the fact they were dressed as mummies. That's part of the act, though; their true identities are not disclosed to the public.

Anyway, I knew none of the words to any of the songs, but it was still awesome. I found myself bobbing my head and digging the music despite my earlier qualms.

That was the day I joined Mummydom.

I just went to my third HCTM show on Oct. 30th, and fell in love all over again. This band is legit--their act is on point, their talent is real (it seems like almost anyone can pass as a "musical artist" these days, but these guys are the real deal) and they are seriously underrated. If I could magically "poof" them to the top of everything, I would in a heartbeat. They work so hard for their shows and fans...which leads me to my next point.

The meet and greets (M&G). Man, after my first show, Java danced around the stage and began talking to us in that way that he does. "SOUTH BEND!!!!! (insert sexualized mummy growl here) I SAID SOUTH BEND!!!! AW YEAH, BABY!!!!" Then he proceeded to tell us that they were doing a meet and greet over by the merchandise table--yes, they meet and greet all their fans, take pictures, sign shirts; they even motor boat, nibble, and sign the chests of those daring enough to put themselves out there. While not in concert, the boys keep in contact with their fans through social media (Twitter, Instagram, Periscope, Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube) and their website,

The band's website features the usual things: the merch, tour dates, info on band members BUT, it also has an awesome forum where Java, himself, interacts with his fans (have you picked up my slight crush on the red and black mummy yet?) through the posts and even by direct message. Between shows (both public and private), packing and shipping our merch BY HAND (yes, they do it themselves), and traveling across the country, you would think the boys would leave the social media aspect to someone else. No. They love and appreciate their fans enough to take time out of their busy schedules to answer our questions, joke around with us; and, let us know about changes in the band, website, merch, or anything else that would affect us.

Since this is my writing blog, I guess I would be remiss to not mention my newest book idea. It's going to be a fan fiction bit based off the band--that's all I'm going to say for now, but keep your eyes and ears open because it's gonna be phunky, baby!

Note to Java: If by some happy chance you are reading this, you are awesome! I know you do a very large portion (if not all) of the social media for the band, so I just want you to know that I greatly appreciate you and your willingness to connect with your fans, especially me. I know I've been all up in your grill lately (between Twitter and the forum I'm basically your newest stalker) and I've probably been a pain, so I apologize for being a fan girl LOL. But even though you are moving on, I will never forget the way you motor boat everyone in front of me ;) See ya in Chattanooga, baby!

To everyone else: here's a couple memories of me and my favorite mummy.

Even though the guys are seriously so approachable, I still have trouble with shyness around them. So many people have all the right words and I stand there kinda dumbfounded at the fact that they're actually letting us touch them lol. As you can see from the bottom left photo, I was barely touching Java. My heart was about to leap out of my chest and bounce all over the floor from my nervousness; but, in the bottom right, I had a bit more confidence. I hugged him with both arms and enjoyed my time with him. I had decided after the first M&G that I wanted a more "personal" type of photo, so I dove in as much as my shyness would allow.

Seriously, if you don't know this band or have never heard their music, get on it! You won't be sorry. I wasn't.

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