Saturday, October 17, 2015

My Love for NaNoWriMo

If you've never heard of NaNoWriMo, you first need to be made aware of this awesome tool out there for aspiring authors.

This is only my second year entering into NaNo, but I love the site and all they have to offer. Peep this:

For one, the goal for NaNoWriMo is to finish a novel in one month. 50,000 words in one month--that month being November. You think it's impossible? Tell that to the people that complete the task every November. That roughs out to be 1,667 words a day. Some people have longer Facebook posts than that! The site has tools on the to help you keep track of your word count and you even get these little "badges" when you hit a certain word count. It may sound trivial now, but when you hit that 35,000 word mark and your badge pops up, you'll jump up from your computer and shout out a battle cry.

Two, they don't let you go it alone. Between all the encouraging emails, professional staff, and different groups you can be a part of, there's no way you should ever feel alone in this. I'm a part of a group that is based out of my specific geographic region, so we meet from time to time and discuss how our novels are going, hardships and things of that nature. It's awesome being a part of a group that wants to see you succeed.

Three, they have awesome resources, all one click away. Just the other day, I participated in a webinar for NaNoPrep that had a panel of four NY Times Best Sellers...let that sink in because that's pretty awesome. I sat and listened to the wisdom of four successful authors FOR FREE! How much do writing seminars and stuff like that cost? More than this housewife can afford!

Four, the fun doesn't stop after November. There are other scheduled events that help you edit your book and if you didn't finish it in November, you can take another stab at it during Camp NaNoWriMo during the summer.

They put every possible tool out there for you to succeed, but it's up to you, the writer, to utilize them and put forth your best effort. Everyone has an excuse not to write, but best sellers are the people that push excuses to the side and get that novel done.

So...what are you writing this November?

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