Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Pen Name

Stephen King 
JK Rowling
Ed McBain
Joyce Carol Oates
Donald E. Westlake

Why am I rambling off author's names? Because every one of these writers has used a pen name at some point in their career. Some used their pseudonym to hide from fans; some wanted to just "experience a normal writer's life", lure in new fans, or explore their feminine I just like the idea of a pen name. 

I know, I know. It's not deep or profound but, hey, it's obviously the cool thing to do :) 

I picked the name Phoenix Asche for a few different reasons. Here they are, in no particular order.

#1: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Nuff said. 
#2: I like the name Phoenix. I actually gave it to one of the characters I created. It was a cute little story, now that I think about it. I might revamp it. 
#3: Phoenix Asche is a name that embodies my journey with becoming a writer. I thought I would be a writer, then I started working, went to school for something else (multiple times), landed my first full-time job as a veterinary assistant, and now, here I am pursuing my dream again. My phoenix died :(
I let it die. Heck, I probably set fire to the poor thing myself!
But my dream rose from the Asches (get it? See what I did there?), shook off the old and is being made into something better; something new. 

I'm sure when the rejection letters come, my bird may burst into flames and be toasted again, but I'll deal with that when the time comes.

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