Tuesday, November 24, 2015


A while back I posted about a contest I entered. The results are in and I didn't win :(

Did I expect to win?...Not so much, but I wanted to. No one wants to lose; but, I feel that this loss could be used for my benefit.

Now, I know what it feels like to check my email inbox for a subject of "Congratulations" and have it never come. I am, now, familiar with the sting of rejection, but I am also friends with the salve that remedies the injury. I have friends and family that support me in my craft, and that is a huge plus for me.

I can hold my head up and say, "Hey, at least I tried." There are so many people out there with stories swimming around in their heads but they are too afraid to put themselves out there (for whatever reasons) but I went for it. I tried, and failed, but I will try again.

"Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth"-Julie Andrews

Monday, November 23, 2015

It Is...FINISHED (well...kinda)

Ring the bells, sound the alarms...pass the chocolate cake; my NaNoWriMo 2015 season is DONE!

Yes, you read that correctly, I am a NaNoWriMo 2015 WINNER! See the "Winner" sticker on the awful cover art I did on Photoshop?

All right...celebration over. Now, it's time to really buckle down and get this novel done.

It's easy to write because of a deadline and mandatory word count; but, now that my deadline is no longer looming over me, I have to inspire myself to keep writing. I have to find that drive within myself to continue with my novel until the last word is typed.

I'm excited. This is the time to see what I am made of. It took me years to finish the first draft of Chasing Darkness and I wrote 50,000 words for it's sequel in 22 days. That's like magic to me. It shows me there is hope and room for improvement. I could, potentially, have this series written by the end of the year if I stay diligent about my word counts.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

OHHHHHH OHHH, I'm (over) Half Way There!

http://nanowrimo.org/participants/phoenix-asche/novels <---- the proof is here at this link!!! Yes, I am over half way done with my 2015 NaNoWriMo project! It's bittersweet, really. Here's why.

The Bitter

I love NaNo season. I love the excitement that permeates the air. I love updating my word count and breathing a sigh of relief when I've meet my goal for the day. I live for the jump in my heart when I've exceeded my goal for the day. I even enjoy the disappointment that comes from missing the mark on the days I do. This disappointment leads to a new sense of drive and ambition that makes me write even more the next day.

By being over halfway done with the project, I have come in contact with the "saggy slump" that is called, the middle of the book. This is the part where stuff is happening, but it's not much. It hurts to write it, and it hurts to re-read it as you edit. It's where you are not in the beginning of the story any longer, but you can't really see the end, either. It's where a writer feels lost at sea with no land in sight--where you just KNOW you are going to drown. It's an awful place to be. It's where many writers stop and throw in the towel.

Not THIS time, saggy slump. Not this time!

To combat this, I do what any seasoned writer would do: keep writing. It's hard, excruciating eve, at times, but the only way to become a writer is to...write. This is the most important time to silence that internal editor and keep pounding out the words. This is the time to look back at the beginning of the story and fall in love with your characters all over again. This time is the time to love your story all over again. It works. It really does.

The Sweet

This will be my first year finishing out NaNo with my 50,000 word count. Yes, I say that with full confidence that I will finish. I may even WIN NaNo this year, who knows?

This year's NaNo project is the second installment of The Western Hollows Saga (yeah, I renamed the saga...don't judge me >_< ) and by finishing it, I will officially be one step further than I've ever been in the completion of this saga. With the finishing of The Lost Pages, I will be half way through the Saga! That excites me more than chocolate chip cookies topped with vanilla ice cream, caramel sauce, and whipped topping...or something...

There is sweetness in success, and I want to taste it. I want to know what it's like to win NaNoWriMo, and I don't plan on being detoured by anything.

Only 17,949 words to go! To all the writers that may be reading this: keep going! If you're trying to play catch-up, do it! Stay up later, wake up earlier; but get it done! You will thank yourself for it on December 1st. If you're ahead of your word count goals, keep up the good work. Persevere. Don't only strive to finish, endeavor to finish well. If you already have 50,000 words and have completed NaNo 2015, your work is not yet done. The world still needs your novel! Edit, revise. Read. Edit some more. None of us are above editing and revising. Start researching agents, look for contests to enter, but do not sit on a month's worth of hard work and wait for the novel fairy to come and make things happen for you. You've come this far, take success by the horns and wrestle it until you get the results you want!

Happy reading, and happy writing!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Here Come the Mummies

So...this post isn't too much about my writing journey but, instead, is about my favorite band.

What's funny is that, I did not want ANYTHING to do with HCTM when I was first introduced to them. I hated the name of the band, so I concluded that the band would suck.


My first show was at the 4H Fair in South Bend, IN--which I was dragged to. I mean, I wanted to go to the fair--there was food there, duh! I wanted a funnel cake and all the cutesy fair food, but couldn't care less about the concert.

Well...that certainly changed, and quickly.

The boys have a special way of entering each concert--they march with their instruments through the crowd. At that moment, I fell in love. I'd never seen anything like it in my life, not to mention the fact they were dressed as mummies. That's part of the act, though; their true identities are not disclosed to the public.

Anyway, I knew none of the words to any of the songs, but it was still awesome. I found myself bobbing my head and digging the music despite my earlier qualms.

That was the day I joined Mummydom.

I just went to my third HCTM show on Oct. 30th, and fell in love all over again. This band is legit--their act is on point, their talent is real (it seems like almost anyone can pass as a "musical artist" these days, but these guys are the real deal) and they are seriously underrated. If I could magically "poof" them to the top of everything, I would in a heartbeat. They work so hard for their shows and fans...which leads me to my next point.

The meet and greets (M&G). Man, after my first show, Java danced around the stage and began talking to us in that way that he does. "SOUTH BEND!!!!! (insert sexualized mummy growl here) I SAID SOUTH BEND!!!! AW YEAH, BABY!!!!" Then he proceeded to tell us that they were doing a meet and greet over by the merchandise table--yes, they meet and greet all their fans, take pictures, sign shirts; they even motor boat, nibble, and sign the chests of those daring enough to put themselves out there. While not in concert, the boys keep in contact with their fans through social media (Twitter, Instagram, Periscope, Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube) and their website, herecomethemummies.com.

The band's website features the usual things: the merch, tour dates, info on band members BUT, it also has an awesome forum where Java, himself, interacts with his fans (have you picked up my slight crush on the red and black mummy yet?) through the posts and even by direct message. Between shows (both public and private), packing and shipping our merch BY HAND (yes, they do it themselves), and traveling across the country, you would think the boys would leave the social media aspect to someone else. No. They love and appreciate their fans enough to take time out of their busy schedules to answer our questions, joke around with us; and, let us know about changes in the band, website, merch, or anything else that would affect us.

Since this is my writing blog, I guess I would be remiss to not mention my newest book idea. It's going to be a fan fiction bit based off the band--that's all I'm going to say for now, but keep your eyes and ears open because it's gonna be phunky, baby!

Note to Java: If by some happy chance you are reading this, you are awesome! I know you do a very large portion (if not all) of the social media for the band, so I just want you to know that I greatly appreciate you and your willingness to connect with your fans, especially me. I know I've been all up in your grill lately (between Twitter and the forum I'm basically your newest stalker) and I've probably been a pain, so I apologize for being a fan girl LOL. But even though you are moving on, I will never forget the way you motor boat everyone in front of me ;) See ya in Chattanooga, baby!

To everyone else: here's a couple memories of me and my favorite mummy.

Even though the guys are seriously so approachable, I still have trouble with shyness around them. So many people have all the right words and I stand there kinda dumbfounded at the fact that they're actually letting us touch them lol. As you can see from the bottom left photo, I was barely touching Java. My heart was about to leap out of my chest and bounce all over the floor from my nervousness; but, in the bottom right, I had a bit more confidence. I hugged him with both arms and enjoyed my time with him. I had decided after the first M&G that I wanted a more "personal" type of photo, so I dove in as much as my shyness would allow.

Seriously, if you don't know this band or have never heard their music, get on it! You won't be sorry. I wasn't.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

The Manifestation of the MC

This was so cool I just couldn't not blog about it!!! Look.

I was at Five Guys Burgers and Fries (they have the best food in the world, in case you didn't know) eating this delectable bacon cheeseburger when the door swung open. 1.) I had an attitude because the wind snatched up my napkins 2.) I had an attitude because the draft was cold 3.) I was the idiot that chose to sit right by the window; but all that dissipated when I saw the girl that walked through the door. 

In walks this thin, blue-haired girl and I about fainted! The first thing I thought when I saw her was, "Lesleigh! She looks how I imagined Lesleigh to look!" And then, I stared LOL 

Yes, I certainly did. 

I'm not sure about other writers and their experience with this, but I was amazed; then, I became hopeful. If I can see my characters in a natural setting like my favorite burger joint, then I consider part of my mission accomplished.

While we don't have magical powers like Lesleigh, she is still a relatable character in that, she enjoys a good burger like any other person; she likes the company of her friends, she dresses how we dress...the realization that my character is normal means so much to me and my confidence in my books. I'm hopeful that Lesleigh's story will reach the hearts of people like her. 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Pen Name

Stephen King 
JK Rowling
Ed McBain
Joyce Carol Oates
Donald E. Westlake

Why am I rambling off author's names? Because every one of these writers has used a pen name at some point in their career. Some used their pseudonym to hide from fans; some wanted to just "experience a normal writer's life", lure in new fans, or explore their feminine side...me? I just like the idea of a pen name. 

I know, I know. It's not deep or profound but, hey, it's obviously the cool thing to do :) 

I picked the name Phoenix Asche for a few different reasons. Here they are, in no particular order.

#1: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Nuff said. 
#2: I like the name Phoenix. I actually gave it to one of the characters I created. It was a cute little story, now that I think about it. I might revamp it. 
#3: Phoenix Asche is a name that embodies my journey with becoming a writer. I thought I would be a writer, then I started working, went to school for something else (multiple times), landed my first full-time job as a veterinary assistant, and now, here I am pursuing my dream again. My phoenix died :(
I let it die. Heck, I probably set fire to the poor thing myself!
But my dream rose from the Asches (get it? See what I did there?), shook off the old and is being made into something better; something new. 

I'm sure when the rejection letters come, my bird may burst into flames and be toasted again, but I'll deal with that when the time comes.

Part II of the Chasing Darkness Saga: The Lost Pages

Why do I put so much time into making these titles? If I get published, I doubt they'll stay the same LOL!

All right, here is the synopsis I have for The Lost Pages. I may post an excerpt from the novel once I hit the ground running with it. 

Okay, now, here's the synopsis. 

Lesleigh Abbott's return to the Western Hollows brings about new responsibilities and turmoil as she finds that her mother may have been involved in more than just a plot to rid Cielo of Regulars. Lesleigh stumbles upon an old, lone page from a book that tells the tale of the Kaken, the Four's sadistic counterparts and, consequently, tries to warn Cielo of an impending doom, but not many are receptive to what she has found--least of all, King Xander. While ostracism and banishment are eminent, Lesleigh does all she can to warn the realm about the dangers to come while simultaneously seeking the truth about her role in defeating the ancient threat. 

Chasing Darkness--An Overview

Before the overview: 
I just want you everyone to know that I'm not going to post an excerpt from this book until the "Dear Lucky Agent" contest is complete. They said they want an unpublished manuscript, and though I doubt putting it on here is considered "publishing", I would rather be safe than sorry. 

Now, here's the overview.

Prince Zachary of the Western Hollows of Cielo is tired of the destruction the war has caused and what little the King has done to stop it, so he goes after the only thing that can help him take the crown before his time, the binding together in marriage of him and his mate, Lesleigh Abbott--only if she knew who he was.

Not soon after Lesleigh leaves Earth for her home realm, Cielo, she finds out many alarming things: the cute guy they call Zachary is a prince and meant to be her husband, her parents are very much alive, and her parents are the cause of the ongoing war that has destroyed most of Cielo. Made bitter by the fact her life has already been laid out for her by other people, Lesleigh chooses to leave her new friends and mate behind to follow a dream that leads her to her mother, Aphelia; but she soon comes to regret that decision. 

Saturday, October 17, 2015

What's My NaNo 2015 Project?

Glad you asked, because I'm excited to talk about it!

Last year for NaNo 2014, I picked back up Chasing Darkness--the book I'd been playing "hot potato" with since 2011. Though I didn't finish the book in November, I worked on it during Camp NaNoWrimo (still left the month with it unfinished) and I recently put the last word on the page last night. I'm still feeling like it's unreal! But, I say all this to answer the question, "what is your NaNo about this year?"

This year, I am writing the second part to this four part saga. The title has been giving me trouble, but for now it's entitled The Lost Pages. In this part of the Chasing Darkness Saga, we find Lesleigh Abbott discovering some information vital to the survival of This Side and the Other--a threat that could leave Cielo, and even Earth, in ruins if people choose not to believe the tale. Why do people not believe? Because Lesleigh's proof comes from a book no one has seen or even  knows the title of. All she has is a loose page that she found in a pile of rubble.

While I am terrible at writing synopses, I think you get the point--Lesleigh is trying to save the world, but  no one believes there is a threat.

While she's trying to save the world, she has to pick up the pieces of her life after enduring loss and betrayal during the first part of this saga. She, also, is still faced with the decision that she can't get out of: marry the Western Hollows Prince now, or do it later. It's not that she doesn't like the kid, she would just like to live her life for a while before having to worry about having dinner on the table by a certain time. She may change her mind from the previous book, she might not; I'm still deciding.

NaNo 2015 starts on November 1st, so I still have some time to finish the outline and hammer out the details, but for now, I'm exploring all the possibilities  of how to make a killer 2nd novel. Stay tuned in to this blog because I may post a little teaser for you guys to chew on :)

My Love for NaNoWriMo

If you've never heard of NaNoWriMo, you first need to be made aware of this awesome tool out there for aspiring authors.

This is only my second year entering into NaNo, but I love the site and all they have to offer. Peep this:

For one, the goal for NaNoWriMo is to finish a novel in one month. 50,000 words in one month--that month being November. You think it's impossible? Tell that to the people that complete the task every November. That roughs out to be 1,667 words a day. Some people have longer Facebook posts than that! The site has tools on the to help you keep track of your word count and you even get these little "badges" when you hit a certain word count. It may sound trivial now, but when you hit that 35,000 word mark and your badge pops up, you'll jump up from your computer and shout out a battle cry.

Two, they don't let you go it alone. Between all the encouraging emails, professional staff, and different groups you can be a part of, there's no way you should ever feel alone in this. I'm a part of a group that is based out of my specific geographic region, so we meet from time to time and discuss how our novels are going, hardships and things of that nature. It's awesome being a part of a group that wants to see you succeed.

Three, they have awesome resources, all one click away. Just the other day, I participated in a webinar for NaNoPrep that had a panel of four NY Times Best Sellers...let that sink in because that's pretty awesome. I sat and listened to the wisdom of four successful authors FOR FREE! How much do writing seminars and stuff like that cost? More than this housewife can afford!

Four, the fun doesn't stop after November. There are other scheduled events that help you edit your book and if you didn't finish it in November, you can take another stab at it during Camp NaNoWriMo during the summer.

They put every possible tool out there for you to succeed, but it's up to you, the writer, to utilize them and put forth your best effort. Everyone has an excuse not to write, but best sellers are the people that push excuses to the side and get that novel done.

So...what are you writing this November?

19th Free "Dear Lucky Agent" Contest

A FREE writing contest?!? Yeah, you read that right! Totally free to enter.

When I read about it on Twitter the other day, I was like..."Whoa...gotta enter." Then, I found out they were taking YA fiction I said, "Oh snap! That's my stuff right there!" So, naturally, I knew I would enter.

Today, I sent off my submission and now I'm freaking out.

I've had this YA-fantasy novel in my head since 2011 and just finished it yesterday. Over the past four years, I've re-written the entire manuscript, switched MCs, changed the format a few times, lost the book due to my ignorance as it relates to where to download Firefox from; I've shelved the manuscript only to lick it up and re-shelve it again to finally picking it up and finishing it.

Now, why am I freaking out, you ask?

I've never submitted to a contest before. Ever. I've been writing since I was 8 or 9, and I've only ever submitted writing twice, and that was to my high school's literary magazine. This "Dear Lucky Agent" contest is the biggest thing I've done to date and it makes me super nervous. There have been people writing for much longer than I have; there are probably people entering that have years of experience developing their craft while I'm just stumbling back into it, but I love what I do and I want the world to share in that with me.

I think that's the goal for most, if not all, fiction writers--to sell their mind to the masses; to tell you what they're thinking about when they're staring out of the coffee shop window when they seem unreachable, as if they're on another planet. They want you to see their characters and how they grow; they want you to hate their villains and love their protagonist through all his/her flaws. They want you to smile when you read something happy in their book; they want you to cry, get angry, get jealous...they want you to turn the pages as if the paper could provide you with your very next breath.

I know that's what I want.